Startup Founders

The Startup Founder page is dedicated to chronicling the innovative minds behind burgeoning startups across the globe.

It is a repository of information about founders who have breathed life into unique ideas, transforming them into operational startups.

Pieter Levels

Founder NomadList

Pieter Levels is a name synonymous with innovation in the digital nomad and indie startup scenes. His entrepreneurial journey is marked by the creation of platforms like Nomad List, Remote OK, Hoodmaps, and since 2021 also PhotoAI.

Geert Jan Sloos

Founder PayRequest

Geert Jan Sloos is an entrepreneur from The Netherlands. He’s the Co-Founder of PayRequest, a billing & ecommerce platform for businesses globally. Besides PayRequest, Sloos also works on OpenStartup.

Pieter Levels

Founder NomadList

Pieter Levels is a name synonymous with innovation in the digital nomad and indie startup scenes. His entrepreneurial journey is marked by the creation of platforms like Nomad List, Remote OK, Hoodmaps, and since 2021 also PhotoAI.

Geert Jan Sloos

Founder PayRequest

Geert Jan Sloos is an entrepreneur from The Netherlands. He’s the Co-Founder of PayRequest, a billing & ecommerce platform for businesses globally. Besides PayRequest, Sloos also works on OpenStartup.